This is for you, Kelly Paul.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
It's My Birthday!!! sort of..
My birthday is actually Saturday, but we celebrate tonight!!!!!
Yay Viva Tacqueria!
Then video chat with Morgan!
Then Thanksgiving break!
And I don't know about you all, but I've already delved head-first into the christmas season by turning on my christmas playlist in iTunes like a week ago, so Yay! Happy Holidays to all!!!
In keeping with the spirit of the new season: ENJOY!!
Yay Viva Tacqueria!
Then video chat with Morgan!
Then Thanksgiving break!
And I don't know about you all, but I've already delved head-first into the christmas season by turning on my christmas playlist in iTunes like a week ago, so Yay! Happy Holidays to all!!!
In keeping with the spirit of the new season: ENJOY!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Why, Internet, why?
Dear Internet,
You almost had me there for a moment. As I struggle to complete the hoard of projects that threatens to overwhelm me, I also struggle to avoid the temptations of your audio-visual delights. Then, thanks to Entertainment Weekly's popwatch blog, you throw this at me:
You know that a website devoted to screening cartoons is too much of a temptation for my inner cartoon-loving child. I could not help but be intrigued by the shows you offered, some I vaguely recall from my youth and others of intriguing obscure titles that pique my interest. It's too much to bear!
But I'm on to your schemes, oh Internet. Burning the midnight oil, I watched some of these cartoons while I worked on my puppet (sewing Fraggle feet takes time!). And you know what- there's a reason why most of these shows seemed to have been dredged from oblivion and dark and forgotten recesses of my memory: they are not that good.
So, Internet, you haven't fully ensnared me in your sinister diversions....or maybe you have. I writing this blog entry now instead of doing other work.
You almost had me there for a moment. As I struggle to complete the hoard of projects that threatens to overwhelm me, I also struggle to avoid the temptations of your audio-visual delights. Then, thanks to Entertainment Weekly's popwatch blog, you throw this at me:
You know that a website devoted to screening cartoons is too much of a temptation for my inner cartoon-loving child. I could not help but be intrigued by the shows you offered, some I vaguely recall from my youth and others of intriguing obscure titles that pique my interest. It's too much to bear!
But I'm on to your schemes, oh Internet. Burning the midnight oil, I watched some of these cartoons while I worked on my puppet (sewing Fraggle feet takes time!). And you know what- there's a reason why most of these shows seemed to have been dredged from oblivion and dark and forgotten recesses of my memory: they are not that good.
So, Internet, you haven't fully ensnared me in your sinister diversions....or maybe you have. I writing this blog entry now instead of doing other work.
Whoa, Hey, What's This?
What's this? What's this? A blog up in the air?
Yeah, what Allie said. I know for a fact I've been crazy busy with journalism stuff and the new boy, so that's my excuse. But I swear, I'm totally getting back to this!
Yeah, what Allie said. I know for a fact I've been crazy busy with journalism stuff and the new boy, so that's my excuse. But I swear, I'm totally getting back to this!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
So, remember this blog??
Yeah. Clearly it's the second half of the semester. 'nuff said.
Someday I'll write a real blog entry again...
strike that.
I'll do it now. I'll give updates on all of our project status (at least what I know that's been keeping all of us so busy).
I've been shooting for Fiction- and now principal photography is complete!!!! And now the editing process...
Anne's been writing a feature, as well as a spec script for True Blood.
Kelly's been making puppets and working on photography projects for the infamous Janice.
Alex has a boyfriend, and has been doing a lot of journalism stuff in addition to being a grip on my set (yeah rolling office chairs!!)
Casey has been traveling Europe while balancing homework.
And Morgan has been hanging out on the beach with Betty White and doing generally awesome things in LA.
Did I miss anything?
PS- 5 days until the Maroon 5 concert, 18 days until my birthday, and 52 days until Christmas!!!!!
Someday I'll write a real blog entry again...
strike that.
I'll do it now. I'll give updates on all of our project status (at least what I know that's been keeping all of us so busy).
I've been shooting for Fiction- and now principal photography is complete!!!! And now the editing process...
Anne's been writing a feature, as well as a spec script for True Blood.
Kelly's been making puppets and working on photography projects for the infamous Janice.
Alex has a boyfriend, and has been doing a lot of journalism stuff in addition to being a grip on my set (yeah rolling office chairs!!)
Casey has been traveling Europe while balancing homework.
And Morgan has been hanging out on the beach with Betty White and doing generally awesome things in LA.
Did I miss anything?
PS- 5 days until the Maroon 5 concert, 18 days until my birthday, and 52 days until Christmas!!!!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Guys, want some cathartic tears?
In addition to the EW list of tearjerking little kid movies, there's a list of "guy cry" movies as well. And I gotta agree with most of them. Some are sports movies, some are chick flicks, and they're all pretty accurate.
- The Shawshank Redemption
- Armageddon
- (3-way tie -- "Chick Flicks") Terms of Endearment, Love Story, Steel Magnolias
- Field of Dreams
- (5-way tie -- "Movies with Dogs") My Dog Skip, Snoopy Come Home, Old Yeller, Where the Red Fern Grows, Marley & Me (film)
- Good Will Hunting
- Brian's Song
- Big Fish
- Backdraft
- Hoosiers
- Saving Private Ryan
- Hotel Rwanda
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Looking to Shed Some Cathartic Tears? Here Ya Go!
Thanks a lot, EW(.com). Thanks a lot, for making me cry.
Seriously, why would they subject the world to this list of 20 tearjerking kids' flicks if they explicitly put in the title of the slideshow that it will make you cry?
The list is as follows (I'm bolding the ones I've seen):
The Iron Giant
Old Yeller - Though It's been a while
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
Watership Down - Though I've read the book
The NeverEnding Story
Man in the Moon
The Lion King - One of my favorite movies of all time. Scratch that, one of the best movies period of all time.
The Black Stallion - Again, it's been a while.
My Dog Skip
Born Free - Again, I've read the book.
Charlotte's Web
A Little Princess
Fly Away Home - I think I've seen the whole thing.
Milo and Otis
The Fox and the Hound
Seriously, why would they subject the world to this list of 20 tearjerking kids' flicks if they explicitly put in the title of the slideshow that it will make you cry?
The list is as follows (I'm bolding the ones I've seen):
The Iron Giant
Old Yeller - Though It's been a while
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
Watership Down - Though I've read the book
The NeverEnding Story
Man in the Moon
The Lion King - One of my favorite movies of all time. Scratch that, one of the best movies period of all time.
The Black Stallion - Again, it's been a while.
My Dog Skip
Born Free - Again, I've read the book.
Charlotte's Web
A Little Princess
Fly Away Home - I think I've seen the whole thing.
Milo and Otis
The Fox and the Hound
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
About That Last Post
Yeah, I don't know about the whole "string theorists fail and become screenwriters thing, but I'm all for more pictures of Hugh Laurie and Jim Parsons on this blog.
Ladies? Keep up the good work.
Ladies? Keep up the good work.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
What Is Going On Here?

So it's 9pm on a Thursday night. Take a moment to guess what Allie and I are doing right now. If you guessed researching string theory, you would be correct. It started with an attempt to revise Allie's screenplay, and now I'm trying to understand things like M-Theory and 10 dimensions. Meanwhile, Allie looked up information about the guy who came up with the concept of the theory. It turns out that the guy's brother is a screenwriter for House. What does this show? Those who don't become string theorists become screenwriters. Whether this is good or bad for us and our current predicament is yet to be determined.
So is this what it's like to be Sheldon Cooper?
Alex Shamelessly Self Promotes

You can now return to your regular D&D reading.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
We Have To See This Movie!!!
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassas Trailer!!!!!
We have to see this movie!!!
More Thoughts on Top Girls

I'm still not sure what I make of Top Girls. Actually, you know what? I do know what I make of Top Girls. I both loved it and hated it. Let me explain.
The Production and Acting talent was absolutely amazing, and the time flew fast- I didn't realize until it was over that 3 hours had past! So in that respect, I liked it a lot. Kudos to all the Ithaca people who were involved. BUT- I agree with Alex on this one. The play itself was overindulgent and inconsistent. I really feel like the story was just beginning with the final scene in Act II, and really would like to know what happens in the aftermath. Of course, we do know, because the aftermath was in Act I- but we didn't know that while we were watching it. Still, several of the scenes (and characters) seemed dislocated and unnecessary when I consider that the entire story arc happens (backwards) between Act II, Scene 2 and Act II, Scene 1. Oh- and the sound design kind of freaked me out a little bit- what was with the gregorian chanting in a London office building in the 80's?
But whatever. I still rather enjoyed it just because the cast was so freaking amazing.
On that note, go see it if you can. Anyone sitting there reeling from casting woes like I am will be absolutely in awe by the talent on stage.
Bravo, BFA acting majors, Bravo.
Top Girls - Whuh?

...I didn't get it.
The acting was fantastic (especially the two girls playing Angie and Joyce. REALLY good), and the set was pretty cool. But the play itself? I totally didn't get the beginning, and why the scene after the intro was necessary. It was just trippy and indulgent and weird. The plot synopsis kind of makes it as simple as it could be, but I still don't know if I liked it or not.
Maybe I'm just not deep enough for theater. Allie? Thoughts?
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
One Step Closer to World Domination

We recently added authors from LA (Morgan!), which isn't really international, but still outside of the rainy northeast HQ of D&D. Our real international now is Casey, blogging live (well, not live) from London.
So what started as a random Saturday night project has since turned into Kelly's idea of global domination. With a simple blog, we have stepped one closer to ruling the world. Just as Pinky and the Brain always hoped we would.

So we have a new conspiracy theory: Is Terrace Dining Hall watering down their milk?
The other day I noticed that my skim milk was almost too water-like for even my non-discerning palate. Then today, Allie's 2% looked rather weak, and we both felt that it had a skim-like quality to its appearance. The conclusion, in the words of Sheldon Cooper: "I drank milk that tasted funny!"
So, dear readers, is this evidence of lactic-fraud or is it simply bad luck on our parts?
You decide!
The Wonderful World Of Child Actors
Ah, child actors. What a complicated life you lead. You come in so many shapes and sizes — adorable, creepy, great talent, vacant, burnout, promising starlet, and any combination thereof. You could go the Lindsay Lohan route, and go from talented promising young actor to the sadly expressionless, voice-of-a-50-year-old-smoker young woman she is today. You could go the Jackie Earle Haley route and be promising before burning out in 1993, only to come back after 13 years and get an Oscar nomination for his disturbing and sad performance in Little Children.
Two I think (slash hope) will avoid all the crazy downfall stuff are Dakota Fanning and Abigail Breslin. Both are great actresses (who I am kind of jealous of, talent-wise). While watching a bit of Littile Miss Sunshine with Allie, we started surfin' the wild web, and found this delightful send up of serious/not serious child actors from SNL. Enjoy!
Two I think (slash hope) will avoid all the crazy downfall stuff are Dakota Fanning and Abigail Breslin. Both are great actresses (who I am kind of jealous of, talent-wise). While watching a bit of Littile Miss Sunshine with Allie, we started surfin' the wild web, and found this delightful send up of serious/not serious child actors from SNL. Enjoy!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
As you wish
London and my Waistline

Ok these are probably the most addicting cookies ever, excuse me I meant biscuits. You wouldn't think so from their deceivingly simple cookie appearance. But they are crumbly, oaty, and delicious. They go really well with a nice cuppa tea, or dangerously well with some Nutella. I wish I could stop buying them. My name is Casey and I'm addicted to HobNobs, thank you London.
I sort of feel like I just did an advertisement for HobNobs. Maybe my posts will be random English culture tidbits. Maybe some funny things that I see. Stay tuned...
Because it Makes Me Happy
Dear friends,
Can I just say how wonderful I think this blog is? It's wonderful. I'm so glad that so many of us are contributing to this little experiment. What started as a joke became the title of a blog that Kelly and I decided to make on a whim and has become a way for all of us share observations and adventures in our lives. Now, the blog is even international! Morgan is in LA, and Casey is in London- Bogirls abroad in the wider world! So I want to thank you all for playing along with this particular side-theme in our life adventure as students and thank you all for being my friends.
I'm not normally so sentimental, but thinking about you all, and how we're still connected even though we're not all living on the same floor anymore, truly makes me happy.
Live long and blog!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Kelly's First Post!
So here goes my first official entry into the world of internet blogging.
Being who I am, it somehow seems appropriate that my first entry should feature puppets. I found this on the Entertainment Weekly website, and it instantly improved my day (then again, just about anything Muppets improves my day):
It's a little pathetic, however, that every time I watch Sesame Street clips, I automatically begin trying to figure out how each puppet operates. Sometimes I catch myself puppeteering along with my hand. Oh dear me...
Response To The Previous
Just to let y'all know, I wear just leggins and a shirt only when I'm bumming around the room/door or just heading to friends to watch a movie. I know they aren't for social occasions — unless they're under a skirt, and in that case they are very useful, because I wear lots of skirts and in the winter time it is very VERY (I don't care that The Ithacan told us not to use this word) cold and I need additional layers on my legs.
Nice Pants. Or Lack Thereof.

Let me explain.
I walked out of my apartment this morning and stupidly forgot a jacket. I was wearing a sweater, so it wasn't terrible. But I decided to skank it and not wear a cami underneath (I can't help it, I like low cut tops. When God gives you a C Cup, you say "Thank you" and enjoy them), so the wind cut through the knit and it was chilly. But as I was walking to Government and Media, I saw a guy wearing a sweatshirt and shorts (!!!). And he wasn't going to the gym, they were cargo shorts.
Gentlemen? Bros? Dudes? When the weather gets below 50, I don't think shorts are a great idea anymore, unless you're in the privacy of your own (heated) home/dorm/apartment or if you're about to get on a treadmill. Maybe your body is better insulated than mine, but I was COLD this morning, and I can only assume by the way you were rubbing your hands together, Token Bro, you were chilly as well. You know what keeps you from being chilly?

Ladies, this goes for you as well. Especially you.
Now fellow BoGirl blogger Anne will disagree with me, but I am an outspoken objector to leggings as pants. Because they're not. They're glorified tights. They're usually combined with a well-worn pair of Ugg boots and a North Face fleece. The side-ponytail is optional, but encouraged. More often than not, I see these ladies walking outside complaining to their like-dressed friends that they're freezing their asses off.
Well, naturally. You're not wearing pants. You're relying on a thin layer of spandex, a thin layer of fleece, and a thick layer of ugly on your feet to sustain your body temperature. If I can see your underwear through your bottoms, you have an issue. You know what keeps you warm?
You can even tuck them into your Uggs, if you insist.
So kids, remember. If it's cold out? Put on a jacket. Wear a warm shirt. Put some pants on.
Monday, September 28, 2009
First Post Here: Wish We'd Thought Of That
Anne here, and I will be your resident recycler of information. First on the list? This pretty well put-together dubbing of the Black Eyed Peas "I Got a Feeling." I don't like the song, but I love this video, probably because it's a long take — I love long takes.
Also what makes this amazing: the little bits that relate to specific lyrics (paint the town!). We could totally do this at Ithaca College.
Also what makes this amazing: the little bits that relate to specific lyrics (paint the town!). We could totally do this at Ithaca College.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Boyz and their Toyz
It's Zombies v. Humans time again.
I've already found myself in the middle of a few chases. There's nothing quite like walking along and suddenly having people with giant yellow and orange guns come charging at you for no apparent reason. It's almost as entertaining as having the door held open for you by the zombie hiding behind it.
I went to brunch by myself this morning, everyone else either not having a meal plan or being busy, and so decided to eat over by the TV to watch some CNN.
Two of the three long tables were full of very enthusiastic members of Team Human. So I was a creeper and sat and observed, it was obviously much more entertaining than CNN. I realized they were planning some sort of strategic assault on the Team Zombie- it was a rather official affair. Each Human had a map of Ithaca in front of them, pens and highlighters marking routes and escape routes. As more Humans came to join them, just about filling every table in that corner of the dining hall, I made some observations.
Number One: The number one fastest growing consumer demographic of Hasbro Nerf Guns? College age boys. Each and every one of the 2o or so boys (and 3 girls) had a Nerf gun almost as tall as I am. I would venture to say that a 12 year old wouldn't be able to lift these things, let alone afford them. I was amused by the Humans; how they tenderly lay out their prized toy guns in rows on the tables- heaven forbid they should touch the floor where they threw their camouflage coats.
Which led me to observation Number Two. It was obvious each Human had taken special care in picking out their wardrobe for the planned ambush. There were no bright colors, and each Human's bandana matched the color of their shirt. While this seems an excellent strategy, I couldn't help but notice that their 4 ft long neon yellow and phosphorescent orange guns kind of blew their cover. Just a little bit.
So I chuckled to myself and turned my attention to the very concerned and amused whispers of the prospective student and her family who were eating at the table next to me.
Only in college, folks.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Stumble Websites for Alex
Because she has no life, these are for Alex. First is Nighttime...DAYTIME. Then the Taco Bell Folk Song.
Drugs and Donuts: An Explanation
We feel we should explain our little blog's title.
The truth is, we really don't know where Drugs and Donuts came from because there truly are no drugs, and as we said, very few donuts. (As kelly points out, we actually DO have some very tasty apple cider donuts in our room at this very minute. I assure you this is the exception. Not the rule.) I believe it all started one day not so very long ago when Morgan was here and Anne was in London, and for some reason we began musing about a sci-fi romance puppet musical entitled, "Drugs and Donuts." It kind of stuck. We never actually made this crazy movie of ours. But it's still up there, in our heads. One day. Maybe.
And now it is the title of our blog.
Oh, the harshness of reality and dreams that don't come true.
"Now it's our turn" (evil maniacal laugh) haha ha
Kelly: "Dear world, we're on the internet now."
Now what?
We probably should put something profound for our first entry. Or not.
Instead you can hear how we spent our saturday evening. So we were walking back from Terraces with Anne and we were talking about how True Blood's vampires are better than Twilight's (I would like to say that I don't think this is completely true (allie)) (and Kelly would like to say that she doesn't know what is going on) but anyway, we got to the point in the conversation where Sookie Stackhouse was brought up. Kelly and I, at the same moment, were like "What kind of name is Sookie?" So we came back to the room and'd it. One hour later, we discovered that Taylor is quite possibly the American form of Schneider, and Kelly's ancestors' social security numbers are on the internet. So yeah. Welcome to a very typical Saturday night.
Kelly would like to add that we are not lame, we are in fact a higher level of awesome.
I quite agree.
For now, kids.
Peace out.
Friday, September 25, 2009
"How Do You Make It Pretty?"
"And what's a touch question?"
Kelly basically needs her own segment, and we basically have decided to make stupid videos on Friday/Saturday nights. Plan accordingly.
"How Does One Blog?"
Welcome to Kelly and Allie's grand experiment of a blog. Slightly aided by me.
Still in development, come back for more laaaaaater.
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