Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Return of the Isolation Journal

End of Day 1

After the lengthy journey northward, I have established base camp in this arctic tundra. The accommodations should hold out well against the winds and below freezing temperatures that plague these snow-covered hills, although I must ration my supplies until I can locate the nearest outpost.
The nights are quiet here, although I believe I can see signs of life on the horizon. I intend to investigate this further in the morning. Until then, I try not to fall victim to the madness that isolation brings. The members of party that I originally set out with have all turned back, but I, knowing that it is my duty to complete this mission, have remained. If the weather holds, perhaps my comrades will join me soon.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Two Very Belated Christmas Presents

I'm so excited for our belated Christmas presents. Guess who's coming to Garden 25?

(Hint: It's Allie and Casey)

Let the Pretty Pretty Princess nights and Rickmania begin.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Knock Knock! Who's There? Your Purse Got Stolen

It's been a while.

So over the time that I haven't been slaving on this blog (...or my own, for that matter) I've been working my butt off at Kohl's, getting something of a mild tan - meaning less white than usual - going on a few dates, going to a concert, and unfortunately getting my purse stolen.

So if I haven't texted anyone back lately, that's why.

I also couldn't buy anything or drive (legally, even though I did).

Saturday, June 19, 2010

This Blog Needs a New Post!

Seriously, gals, this blog has been stuck in a '90's flashback since April. I feel like I need to perform CPR on this thing and get some life back into it. Sooooo
Live from the West Coast...Kelly's East Coast/West Coast musings:
1. Is "Carl Jr's" a west coast Hardee's because I'm pretty sure they have the same Star guy emblem?
2. I also think the mayonnaise changed its name out here too.
3. I saw an SUV limo the other day. Who would ride in that?
4. Why can I find Lebanon bologna out here but not back at college which is so much more closer to Lebanon (I'm talking the county not the country, although it's closer to the country too) than California is?
5. Was that a tiny earthquake or does a monster live under my bed?
6. Why haven't frozen yogurt places migrated east?
7. Why are doughnut places so abundant out here, and why haven't I had a doughnut yet?

To be continued...

Friday, April 16, 2010

OMFG flash back to the 90's

Ok, girls! time warp to the 90's! Even if you haven't seen this video watch it again.
Stay tuned to the last 2 seconds. It's the best part- promise.
Toy-Box (Best Friend)

Actually, I lied. This is funnier. Just decided.

Monday, April 12, 2010


So it's after midnight, and I should go to sleep, but first I have to do this. I don't really have anything to say; I was just tired of seeing that possum on screen every time I looked at our blog. Sorry, Alex, but I'm bumping your post down. Instead, enjoy this picture of a panda.
Good night all.

Monday, March 29, 2010

This Is Kelly's Home State Right Here

I had to put this on here for my Curly Pennsylvanian, KellyPaul.

Police: Drunk Pennsylvania man tried to revive dead opossum

PUNXSUTAWNEY - State police have charged a central Pennsylvania man with public drunkenness after he was seen giving mouth-to-mouth "resuscitation" to a long-dead opossum along a highway.

Trooper Jamie Levier says several witnesses saw 55-year-old Donald Wolfe, of Brookville, near the animal along Route 36 in Oliver Township Thursday about 3 p.m. The trooper says one person saw Wolfe kneeling before the animal and gesturing as though he were conducting a seance, while another saw the mouth-to-mouth attempt.

Levier says Wolfe was "extremely intoxicated" and "did have his mouth in the area of the animal's mouth, I guess."

The Associated Press could not locate a home telephone number for Wolfe.

Oliver Township is about 65 miles northeast of Pittsburgh.