Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Why, Internet, why?

Dear Internet,
You almost had me there for a moment. As I struggle to complete the hoard of projects that threatens to overwhelm me, I also struggle to avoid the temptations of your audio-visual delights. Then, thanks to Entertainment Weekly's popwatch blog, you throw this at me:
You know that a website devoted to screening cartoons is too much of a temptation for my inner cartoon-loving child. I could not help but be intrigued by the shows you offered, some I vaguely recall from my youth and others of intriguing obscure titles that pique my interest. It's too much to bear!
But I'm on to your schemes, oh Internet. Burning the midnight oil, I watched some of these cartoons while I worked on my puppet (sewing Fraggle feet takes time!). And you know what- there's a reason why most of these shows seemed to have been dredged from oblivion and dark and forgotten recesses of my memory: they are not that good.
So, Internet, you haven't fully ensnared me in your sinister diversions....or maybe you have. I writing this blog entry now instead of doing other work.


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