Friday, October 2, 2009

The Wonderful World Of Child Actors

Ah, child actors. What a complicated life you lead. You come in so many shapes and sizes — adorable, creepy, great talent, vacant, burnout, promising starlet, and any combination thereof. You could go the Lindsay Lohan route, and go from talented promising young actor to the sadly expressionless, voice-of-a-50-year-old-smoker young woman she is today. You could go the Jackie Earle Haley route and be promising before burning out in 1993, only to come back after 13 years and get an Oscar nomination for his disturbing and sad performance in Little Children.

Two I think (slash hope) will avoid all the crazy downfall stuff are Dakota Fanning and Abigail Breslin. Both are great actresses (who I am kind of jealous of, talent-wise). While watching a bit of Littile Miss Sunshine with Allie, we started surfin' the wild web, and found this delightful send up of serious/not serious child actors from SNL. Enjoy!

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